Thursday, January 13, 2011

Homeschooling, the First Week

Our first week of homeschooling has gone wonderfully. I can already see a difference in Emma and how she acts. She's kinder to her siblings, more thougtful and has a much better attitude toward Ryan and I. It's funny, someone once told Emma that since she had started going to public school they had seen 'a big improvement' in her... When honestly, doing homework with her at night was a struggle, her attitude was horrible and she was a bully most of the time toward her sister and brother. Since she has been home, she WANTS to learn. The other night, she got a book and on her way into her room said to herself, 'I want to read tonight'... gah! She's never said that. I was stoked. Every morning first thing she wants is to do school, I love this, and I love this girl.

Emma found the magnifying glass and put it good use

And maybe the best thing, is that I get to set the schedule, it's awesome, I don't have to have school her the same time other schools are in session. Usually we're waking up around 8am, awesoome, I know, then it's breakfast, and then mama gets ready for the day and chores are done (I hate doing school with her when my hosue is a mess), lunch, game time and school for the day, the day usually ends with a dinner, a movie and if they've been super good, some popcorn.

My days are completely simple, I have very few things to do and that means the majority of my time can be spent on the most important thing. My family.

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