Friday, October 8, 2010

Our Summer

It has been such a very long time sense I've updated our blog. It all started when we got our cell phones and got rid of our house phone and internet. We love our phones and they are so very convenient, but there are a few things they just can't do, like change our profile pictures on facebook, or update a blog. I tried different apps that were supposed to work with blogs but non really worked.

Anyways, so here's the update!

We are expecting our 4th child on the 22nd, although I'm thinking about changing the induction to the 20th, more on that later.

We are having a girl! Our 3rd, and I can't wait to meet another Ryan/Sara combination and see who Father has blessed us with. We were REALLY hoping for a boy, I thought it would be perfect, two girls, two boys, all that jazz, but it wasn't to be.
It was a little hard finding out we were having a girl, Emma cried as soon as the nurse told us, I made it till the next day, as I was cleaning out the drawer of baby boy things I had put together. We have all come to terms with it and in all honesty we are excited to have another baby!
We have picked out a name, well, we pretty much picked one out on the way home after the ultrasound. We were hoping to name the baby Kevin, in honor of my dad, but that wouldn't fly so well with a little girl, so we threw names around, first Kevlen, which was too close to Kevin and Kaylyn, so then we thought for a minute and Ryan thought of Kevlie, and it felt right. Ryan then went on to say that her middle name should be Sara, cause none of our kids have been named after me, but two have been named after him; Kaylyn Noel (Ryan's middle name is Leon, which spelled backwards is Noel) and Daniel has Ryan as his middle name. Although, my middle name is Danielle, so technically I do have a child named after me. But he's insisting on it. So Kevlie Sara it will be.

A few of our summer activities should be mentioned, mostly cause they rocked.

The Blue Angels! Oh, they were fun to watch, even now, Daniel will still talk about them and use his hands to show how they flew, and then tell you they were loud and show you how to cover your ears. And anytime there is a plane that the kids spot they immediately think it's the Angels. It was a lot of fun for the kids to watch them and learn more about them.

Eating Watermelon is seriously one of the best things about summer! I LOVE watermelon and the kids do too!

Emma turned eight this summer and was baptized! It was a little bitter sweet to realize that she really is growing up and learning to deal with all that comes with life.
Ryan made this cake for her, she's decided that her favorite color is blue, I forgot to take a picture but the inside was blue. She was totally stoked about it.

We decided to have her pick out her own dress, at first I was all about the white, but then thought she would enjoy picking out her own. She did an excellant job!

I love my girl! And we're so proud of her, she's made so much progress and continues to grow and learn.

Getting ready for the school year, which means, haircuts!!

Emma wanted to keep hers long so she can cut it short this upcoming summer.

Kaylyn wanted hers short enough she could spike it, we kept it a little longer then that, and she loves it!

And here's Daniel, cause he's just too darn cute!

Ryan now has a new job, he's working in North Dakota hauling water for the oil field. He's working two weeks on two weeks off so, to make sure he's here when we have the baby we will be inducing her on the 22nd! I'm super excited to have my baby! BUT, I was thinking. If I were to bump her induction date up to the 20th then her birthday would be 10-20-2010 or 10-20-10! How neat would that be!? It's such a once in a life time opportunity, that I'm having a hard time trying to decide what to do. The 22nd would work best, but I don't know if I can pass up a birthday like that. I need input!

Until next time! (which really won't be that long!)


  1. What a fun summer. I'm glad you guys are ok with a baby girl now :) Hmm, about the date change... it would be kinda cool to have that birthday. I guess it depends on if the date works for you. I'm sure the baby won't care what day she was born on :) It will be a special day no matter what :) Love ya Sara!

  2. Hey, just because, I vote for the 22nd; 10.22.10.

    I think it looks better than 10.20.10. There is more balance in the numbers. :p
