Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bleeding and an Ultrasound

Sounds scary right? It was.

Yesterday, after I had accomplished nothing on the house, I decided to take a nap cause I had used up so much energy. The kids sat on the couch with me and watched tv while I dosed for about half an hour, after I woke up my pregnant bladder needed to be empied, so I hightailed it to the potty room. While I was in there I noticed that I was bleeding, I freaked. After 3 babies with no complications I was at a loss as to what could be going on, I thought the worst, that I was loosing the baby (or already had) and was pretty darn sure there wasn't anything that could be done. I called my midwives anyways and talked to the newest one who is also an ultrasound technologist. She asked me some questions and said she would like it if I would come in. We got a time set up for that day and after finding a babysitter and calling my husband to let him know what was going on, I made my way to their office.

The worst part was the waiting! I was so scared that I was loosing my baby and here I was sitting the the waiting room, not fun! So after I'm called in, we start the ultrasound and baby is fine, wonderfully fine, did you know at 12 weeks, they have ears? So cute.

The reason for the bleeding is my placenta, the edge of it is covering the edge of my cervix so it's doing some 'edge bleeding' as she said. She assured me that the as long as I wasn't having menstrual like bleeding and not doing any heavy lifting, everything would be fine.

After I got out of the office I called my husband to let him know everything was fine, poor guy was so worried and stressed about it. He had already gotten back from work and had just finished fueling his truck when I called so I mentioned that he would be home before I was but he then told me that he was starving and so stressed that he was going into his mom's house to grab something to eat and then he would head home. Later that night I had a banana split, it was heaven. I came to the decision that we both have a comfort eating problem.

I'm lucky I have such wonderful midwives that would go out of their way to make sure mom and baby are fine and that they worry about my baby almost as much I do.


  1. I love stories where the bleeding happened and everything was still okay. They are the best ones, at least that involve bleeding.

  2. I'm so glad everything was ok! Very scary for sure. Love ya, Sara :) *hug*
