Thursday, March 24, 2011

Daniel (aka 'Monster')

So, we have yet another story to add to the growing list of the things Daniel has destroyed...

I'm doing school with Emma and Daniel runs into the bathroom to go potty, I'm stoked he's doing so well with the whole thing! And as I'm in the middle of doing some subtraction with Emma, I hear an odd buzzing noise and Daniel mumbling something about 'Daddy' and being a 'big boy'... I go running in and find him with the middle of his head bald and Ryan's clippers in his hand. The way I figure, he's seen Ryan trimming his facial hair so often that he knows its something boys do and because the only hair on his noggin is on the top of his head, obviously that's what he would trim.

My first response is to groan. My second was to check the dog (you never know with Daniel). He was chill.

I then had to finish the job Daniel started and the whole time, again he said things about daddy and the phrase 'me big boy' kept popping up. The last time he did this, after I finished he freaked and wanted his hair back on. Poor thing was so sad I couldn't do it. :/ THAT was hard to explain. This time he was actually happy about it. Silly boy.

I hate that he cut his hair again, yes, again, he just got it back to a decent length and he goes and buzzes it... Le sigh.

But he's so darn cute, how can I stay upset for long?

The best part about this picture? RIGHT before the camera captured the image he tooted, and it was a good toot, this, is his "Me fart!!" face.

Love this boy child.

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