Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nasua, Fatigue, Breast Tenderness and Moodiness. In Otherwords, Pregnancy.

So, I've reached my 12 week mark!! I'm starting to feel better, like the other day we were at my mom's, having a BBQ and Ryan was putting the hamburger patties on the grill, once it started cooking I got a whiff of the meat cooking and it smelled good! I told Ryan and he looked at me like I was crazy, lol. I'm so glad I'm not feeling sick every time we put meat on the stove. I still get a little sick during the day if I let my blood sugar get too low but all in all I am feeling better!

So now that I'm in my 2nd tri I'm thinking I'm having another boy, for these reasons:

Being pregnant with my girls I gained about 60lbs with each one, I lost about 30lbs after having each but obviously still have quite a bit to loose. Being pregnant with Daniel I actaully lost 10lbs in the first 12 weeks and then only gained 25-30lbs which I lost in the first 3 weeks after having him. So far with this baby I haven't gained anything, I'm more careful about eating before I get too hungry and keeping my blood sugar up.

With my girls, I had NO sex drive, I didn't want anything to do with it. It was about the opposite with Daniel and this one (to Ryan's pleasure) is about the same.

Those are pretty much (so far at least) the only two deciding factors at this point in time. I have about 8 weeks until we know for sure, but with how things are turning out so far, I'd be putting my money on a boy. I'm happy about that. Yay for babies!


  1. Your bluntness cracks me up. :) My folks read my blog so I hold back a lot of what I want to say. I've had the same problem when pregnant with my girls, maybe for my hubby's sake we should have a boy next. :) I had such bad morning sickness through both pregnancies that I didn't gain much. I wonder if that will change when I have a boy. I can't wait for you to find out what you are having!

  2. So exciting :) It will be fun for Daniel to have a baby brother. Aww, I can just imagine another giant of a baby ;)
